Ortus PSR Industry News

Welcome to the Ortus PSR Industry News page, where you can read up on all the latest news and developments from within the recruitment industry. Here, we take a deep dive into sector wide trends, explore the impact these have on the Wealth Management / Financial Planning professions and the broader job market, and give updates on the latest happenings at Ortus PSR and offerings from our business partners.

Soft Sales Skills of top Financial Advisers

Soft Sales Skills of top Financial Advisers

Why Soft Sales Skills Are Your Secret Weapon: Succeeding as a Financial Adviser and Landing the Big Salaries Let’s not beat around the bush. You might have every financial qualification under the sun... read more...

Financial Transparency When Selling Your IFA Business

Financial Transparency When Selling Your IFA Business

Why is Financial Transparency Key to a Successful IFA Business Sale? When selling your IFA business, financial transparency plays a crucial role. Potential buyers will scrutinize your financial heal... read more...

Is your Team ready for a sale?

Is your Team ready for a sale?

Staffing your IFA firm Let’s dive into another key factor that can significantly impact the value of your business: a stable team. When buyers look at purchasing an IFA business, they aren’t just a... read more...

Maximise the sales value of your IFA

Maximise the sales value of your IFA

Building a Saleable Business: Key areas of Focus To ensure your practice is appealing to buyers, it's important to focus on the following areas: 1. Structured and Documented Processes Establishing ... read more...

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